Name | Data type | Default value | Explanation | Example |
maxValue | Float | Infinite | Max value the stepper can increase the value to. | $(obj).jStepper({maxValue:100}); |
minValue | Float | Infinite | Minimum value the stepper can increase the value to. | $(obj).jStepper({minValue:0}); |
normalStep | Float | 1 | The value with which the stepper should increase or decrease per step. | $(obj).jStepper({normalStep:1}); |
shiftStep | Float | 5 | The value with which the stepper should increase or decrease per step if Shift is also pressed. | $(obj).jStepper({shiftStep:5}); |
ctrlStep | Float | 10 | The value with which the stepper should increase or decrease per step if Ctrl is also pressed. | $(obj).jStepper({ctrlStep:10}); |
minLength | Integer | 0 | The minimum length of the number in front of any decimal separator. If length is lower than minLength, appropriate number of zeros are added in front. |
$(obj).jStepper({minLength:2}); |
disableAutocomplete | Boolean | true | If set to false, the autocomplete feature of the textfield will not be disabled. | $(obj).jStepper({disableAutocomplete:true}); |
defaultValue | Float | 1 | If only invalid characters are found in the field when an increase or decrease is attempted, this value will be used as a new start. | $(obj).jStepper({defaultValue:1}); |
decimalSeparator | String | , (comma) | The character to separate the decimal value from the integers. Set to "," (comma) as default because it is the most common in my home country :oP | $(obj).jStepper({decimalSeparator:"."}); |
allowDecimals | Boolean | true | Determines wether or not a decimal value is accepted in the textfield. Overrules all other settings that have anything to do with decimals. | $(obj).jStepper({allowDecimals:false}); |
minDecimals | Integer | 0 | The minimum required number of decimals. If less decimals are found zeros will be added. | $(obj).jStepper({minDecimals:2}); |
maxDecimals | Integer | Infinite | The maximum allowed number of decimals. If more are found, the last ones are simply cut away. No rounding is applied. | $(obj).jStepper({maxDecimals:4}); |
disableNonNumeric | Boolean | true | If set to true, no invalid character keys will work in the textfield. | $(obj).jStepper({disableNonNumeric:true}); |
overflowMode | string | default | This controls how overflowing is handled. Consider the following example: {maxValue:999} If "1111" is typed in the field, the field will revert to the maxValue, which is "999". If overflowMode is set to 'ignore' like this; {maxValue:999, overflowMode:'ignore'} then the last press of the "1" key is simply ignored. This option only has an effect if maxValue also is set. |
$(obj).jStepper({overflowMode:'ignore'}); |
onStep | Function | null | Callback function to call when a step has been made. The function will return the jQuery object on which the step was made, a boolean value of which direction the step was made in and a boolean value of whether or not maxValue or minValue was reached. | $(obj).jStepper({onStep:testfunction}); function testfunction(objTextField, bDirection, bLimitReached) { if (bDirection) { // Was increased } else { // Was decreased } if (bLimitReached) { // A limit was reached } else { // A limit was not reached } alert(objTextField.val()); } OR $(obj).jStepper({ onStep: function(objTextField, bDirection, bLimitReached) { if (bDirection) { // Was increased } else { // Was decreased } if (bLimitReached) { // A limit was reached } else { // A limit was not reached } alert(objTextField.val()); } }); |